Divine Intention 
Full Shustah Card Reading
A full shustah card reading is a full hour by one of these choices: Phone, IM, Skype or in person.  Fill out the contact form below with your name, date of birth and your questions of concern.  If you want to ask about another person I will need their date of birth and name also.
A Full e-mail reading
A full Shustah Card Reading. by e-mail. I will need the names and birth dates for all you are asking about and your questions. Please fill out your information on the form at the bottom of this page. Include your e-mail address for me to send your reading to.  Allow up to 48 hours for a response. I will get your reading to you ASAP.
Personal Destiny Reports

A 30 page report which covers an entire year of your life, from birthday to birthday.
Each report we sell is actually two reports.

The first report is the BIRTH CARD REPORT. Your Birth Card acts like your sun sign in astrology and has primary influence.

The second report is the PLANETARY RULING CARD REPORT. Your Planetary Ruling Card acts like your rising sign (or ascendant) in astrology and it's influence, while still important, is secondary.

By combining these two reports, you are given more information with which to guide your life's decisions. And so...we call it one Personal Destiny Report.

Each Destiny Report charts information on your character and tendencies based on the combined sciences of Astrology, Numerology and the traditional Playing Cards.

Viewed as a reading for an entire year, valuable information is gained about special events taking place in your life. These can include: career influences; finding your true purpose; 'critical year' events and much more.

The report also gives 'transit' readings for the seven, 52- day periods. These seven, 52-day periods occur over the entire year. The cards are used to represent the energies that are present around you during that particular 52-day period. The descriptions are filled with guidelines, warnings, awareness of strengths and/or weaknesses. Advising the best times to take action and when holding back is the better plan.

Please fill out the client information form with your name and e-mail address.  List your Full name, male or female, and your date of birth in the comment section.  

Love Compatibility Reports
(Karmic Love)
Karmic Love Reports are a detailed analysis of the karmic connections that you share with your mate.

Robert Camp calls these reports: LOVE COMPARTABILITY REPORTS.
I call the reports: KARMIC LOVE REPORTS. Same reports.

I like to let you know right away that the reports are about the karmic connections two people share. These reports are very useful when you want to discover the connections you share with a potential love interest or mate.

The karmic connections between two people can occur on both the spiritual level and the mundane (everyday physical) level.

Positive affirmations for each connection are included for both individuals. These affirmations are a great way to strengthen your personal growth and happiness.

Karmic Love Reports are a great relationship tool and provides incredible insight. Fun to read and share!

Please fill out the client information form and list information for (both) your Full names, male or female, and your date of births in the comment section. Also fill out the name and e-mail of the person to send the report to. 

    Client Information Form